The laser carbon peel is a fast and painless procedure done to help improve the look of skin.
It's used primarily by people with oily skin, acne, and enlarged or clogged pores. This treatment is also beneficial if you're starting to see the effects of sun damage to your skin. In this article, we'll go over the benefits and effectiveness of this procedure so that you can best determine if this treatment is the right one for you.
What are the benefits of a laser carbon peel?
Laser carbon peels deeply exfoliate skin. They also help stimulate collagen production.
Laser carbon peels are used to treat:
acne pigmentation
acne scarring
enlarged and clogged pores
fine lines and wrinkles
Chemical peels also treat these skin conditions, but here are some of the main differences between the two:
laser carbon peels use heat instead of chemicals for results
laser carbon peels require no down time
people with sensitive skin or skin conditions like eczema will usually experience less redness and irritation after a carbon peel than from a chemical peel
How much does a laser carbon peel cost?
In general, you can expect to pay around $400 per treatment for a laser carbon peel. Because laser carbon peels are cosmetic procedures, they are not typically covered by insurance.
Your costs will be determined primarily by the experience of the doctor or licensed aesthetician you choose to do the procedure, as well as your geographic location and access to a provider.
What's the procedure for a laser carbon peel?
Be sure to make an appointment to discuss this procedure with your doctor or licensed aesthetician prior to having it done.
Your provider will recommend that you stop using retinols for around one week before the laser carbon peel. You should also use sunscreen daily during this time.
The laser carbon peel is a multi-part process that takes around 30 minutes from start to finish. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as a lunchtime peel.
Here's what you can exp.